Press Release
PR No. MJD-03-2025
Miangas Border Crossing Officer Attends the Traditional Event Mangunci Tahun (Year Closing Ceremony)

14 January 2024, Miangas - On 07 January 2025, Technical Sergeant. (TSgt.) Ramil D.L. Diman, PN (M), the Philippine Border Crossing Officer (BCO) in Miangas Island, North Sulawesi, attended the traditional event, Mangunci Tahun (Year Closing Ceremony) in Miangas Village, Special District of Miangas. Key officials from the local government of Miangas, including the Miangas Special District Head, Hon. Olita Papalapu, S.Sos., M.M., her staff, and representatives from various government and military sectors joined the event. In addition, the Commander of Military District Command 1312-07 Miangas, Second Lieutenant Inf. P. Patolenganen, accompanied by military personnel, and Aipda W.A. Essing, representing the Chief of Miangas Sector Police, joined along with other Miangas Sector Police personnel.
First-Class Seaman Januri and his team represented the Naval Post Commander, while the Border Security Task Force Commander, Second Lieutenant Arm Anton Saputra, attended with his unit.
In addition to government and security officials, the event brought together key community leaders, including the heads of agencies within the Special District of Miangas: Village Head Yan Piter Lupa and his officials, Religious Leader Rev. L. Taringanen Lambek, S.Theol., and Traditional Leaders Ratumbanua Mr. R. Pase and Inangguwanua Mr. Ismail Essing, who were accompanied by traditional participants (Anak Roangan). Also present was the Chairman of the BPD Special District of Miangas, Mr. P. Mambu, and the entire Miangas village community.

The ceremony was marked by a series of activities, beginning with an opening address by Mr. M.K. Parenta. This was followed by a traditional session (Watti u Ararra) led by Mr. P. Essing, a worship service conducted by Rev. L. Taringanen Lambek, S. Theol., and an expression of gratitude delivered by Mr. S. Pade. The event culminated in a formal closing ceremony through a parade.
TSgt. Diman, PN (M), also used the event to liaise with the civilian and military officials of Miangas Island and sought opportunities to collaborate with them in future activities.
The Mangunci Tahun in Miangas Island was a significant event that showcased the community's strong sense of tradition, unity, and cultural pride. The presence of key government officials, security personnel, and local leaders highlighted the importance of this celebration as a unifying occasion for the region. The carefully planned agenda, including traditional rituals, religious observances, and cultural performances like the Sumalo Dance (Cakalele), reflected the community’s commitment to preserving its heritage while fostering collaboration between various regional stakeholders. End