Foreign nationals married to a Philippine citizen desiring to immigrate / live permanently in the Philippines can apply for an immigrant visa under the conditions set forth in Sec.13 of Commonwealth Act No.613, as amended.

Visa Type:



 Alien spouse of a Philippine national

1.) Non-quota immigrant visa application form (FA Form No.3 in 2 original sets)

2.) Two pcs 2"x2" color photograph in clear white background taken within the last six months

3.) Valid passport (with at least 1-year remaining validity) and 2 copies of data page

4.) Proof family relations to Philippine national registered under Philippine law. (PSA-authentic Marriage Contract / Report of Marriage)

5.) PSA-authentic birth certificate of Filipino spouse + photocopy of valid PHL passport data page

6.) Affidavit of financial capacity executed by the visa applicant with attached support documents (i.e. bank statements, proof of acquired properties, etc.) notarized by local notary public and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

7.) Notarized letter request of Filipino spouse attesting to his/her Philippine citizenship and endorsing / supporting the non-quota immigrant visa application of his/her foreign spouse.

If this document will come from the Philippines, it must be duly authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs. If the Filipino spouse is living in Indonesia, he/she can execute this affidavit at the Consular Section of the Philippine Consulate General.

8.) Police Clearance issued by the appropriate local authorities showing no derogatory records about the visa applicant. This document must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

9.) Medical Certificate (FA Form No.11) filled out by a qualified physician who examined the visa applicant, including pertinent laboratory and x-ray results.

Issuance of immigrant visa for certain nationalities need approval from authorities in Manila. Waiting time may take between three to four weeks from date of acceptance of complete application with supporting documents. (Sec.171, 2002 CVRR).


  • The Filipino spouse of the visa applicant may be required to appear for interview about the immigrant visa application of the foreign spouse.
  • Foreign-sourced documents must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy if it will be submitted to the Bureau of Immigration later on. Additional processing and charges will apply, as appropriate. All documents in foreign language should be submitted together with its corresponding English translation if applicable.
  • PSA documents can be sourced online. Please visit for more details.
  • Additional documents may be required if and when deemed necessary. The above requirements are subject to change without prior notice.