Affidavit for Delayed Registration of Birth
Affidavit for Delayed Registration of Death
Affidavit for Delayed Registration of Marriage
Affidavit of Admission of Paternity
Affidavit of Damage - Mutilation
Affidavit of Explanation re One of the Same Person
Affidavit of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage
Affidavit of Renunciation of Philippine Citizenship
Affidavit of Support Guarantee
Affidavit of Support and Consent
Affidavit to Use the Surname of the Father
Joint Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons (Late Registration of Birth)
Joint Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons (Late Registration of Marriage)
Joint Affidavit of Two Disinterested Persons (Template 1)