1. Duly accomplished Application form *
(Click HERE)
2. Original and photocopy of Certificate of No Record of Marriage (CENOMAR) issued by the PSA and duly apostilled by DFA;
3. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate issued by the PSA and duly apostilled by DFA;
4. Original and photocopy of Passport of the Filipino citizen
5. Photocopy of Passport/KTP of the foreign partner
6. Photocopy of birth certificate of the foreign partner (with english translation if not written in english or not bilingual)
7. 2 x 2 in inches individual photo taken against white background of the couple
Additional documents:
For applicants 18 years old but below 21, submit original Affidavit of parental consent.
For applicants aged from 21 to 25 years old, submit original affidavit of Parental Advice
For applicants previously married and obtained annulment:
- Original and photocopy of the Marriage Certificate duly annotated issued by the PSA and apostilled by the DFA;
- Certified true copy of the Court decision declaring the marriage annulled or divorce decree
For widowed applicants:
- Original and photocopy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the PSA and authenticated by the DFA;
- Original and photocopy of the PSA and authenticated by the DFA, if death occurred in the Philippines
- If death occurred outside of the Philippines, original and photocopy of the death certificate duly authenticated by the Embassy or Consulate having jurisdiction over the place where the said death occurred.
Certification fee: Rp 412,500 (cash only)
Processing (Posting/publication) : 10 consecutive days
Validity of Certification: 120 calendar days
* The application form should be notarized. If notarized by an Indonesian notary public, the accomplished application form should be legalized by the two (2) Ministries in Indonesia (Ministry of Law and Human Rights and Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
If the applicant wishes to have the application form notarized at the Consular Section of the Philippine Embassy/Consulate, personal appearance of the applicant and a notarial fee of IDR 412,500 are required.